Friday, October 29, 2010

Off my Chest

I'm not looking for comment, but rather just commenting.

Is any other American embarrassed about the way our politicians and political parties have eroded the methods of chalking a vote to a level only matched by third world nations entering into a democracy for the first time? Both sides of the isle in an attempt to save their asses seem to be pulling every dirty trick out of their grubby little bags this political season to assure they will either retain or gain a political position. Vote fraud looks to be rife this election season. Complaints are already surfacing concerning electronic voting machines being pre-rigged to automatically vote for someone or a party, as well as hanky panky in regard to early voting.

Denying military people the right by taking advantage of the time frames designed by an over burdened bureaucracy but at the same time pandering to illegal immigrants by entertaining some ludicrous talk of allowing illegals to vote. Last time I checked it was our birthright or earned right to vote. Whats next, taking a consensus around the world to see who they want to govern this nation? I hope we all take a step back, take a deep breath, and realize that we need to vote for quality individuals, which does not always go along party lines.

I for one am sick of it all, and wish some people would run for office that aren't afraid of breaking a few eggs to make an omelet, instead of treading lightly to assure they pander for the strongest vote numbers. IMO its going to take some hard decisions and policies to get ourselves out of this mess that both sides of the aisle have gotten us into.

Its a great thing to have a right to vote for who we want and speak our mind. America is a great nation built on those who sacrificed much including their lives for those rights. But at the end of the day don't forget "we the people" really do have the say in who acts in our best interest, and if they don't, we can vote the bums out...

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