Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The simple things

One of the easiest ways to bone up on your education is to visit Quintessence Publishing and order yourself up some of the latest and greatest books on dental technology. I love having books on hand as they are even easier to access than going online every time you want some info. Most of my books are dogeared and have the character of an old pair of running shoes. Coffee and food stains mark the pages with the information I continue to return to. Maybe Im old school, but theres something about the tactile sensation of turning a page of paper that still gives me a comfortable feeling.
On that note I wanted to express the sadness I experienced when I made a trip over to the Borders Book store thats closing in our area. There is now a book wasteland in our area as Barnes and Noble just closed in our area as well. There has always been a comforting feeling whenever I went to a bookstore and perused everything and anything. The Internet is a great resource but theres still something really cool and comforting reading paper in an acoustically dampened room full of books. It reminds me of the rainy and heat wave ridden days of my youth when my brother Bill and I would seek refuge from the dampness or heat in the Bensenville Community library. Little did I realize then, I would miss those simple things so much.

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