Thursday, April 14, 2011

First off, I want to thank the unbelievable amount of calls supporting my first article as benchtop editor "The dental technician, our most valuable tool" published in Dental Lab Products magazine. As many who know me can attest, this article is only an extension of what I have been expounding for my years on the lecture circuit, that being, how important a role we as technicians play in the entire picture of restorative dentistry and how a"proactive" and not a "reactive" mindset can carve out and establish our position of being the "technical resource" and not just somebodys "lab guy".

With that being said I wanted to address an accusation that pops up from time to time regarding myself being associated with a product or manufacturer. For those who want to label me as a salesperson please re-adjust your thinking. I am a "spokesperson" for products I represent, buying and using the products on a day to day basis, just like other technicians. A spokesperson must be extremely careful to only associate themselves with products they purchase, use and believe in, otherwise they are indeed just a salesperson.

My suggestion to those who have a muddied view of the differences between salesperson and spokesperson is to try and attend one of my lectures. You will find that although I discuss products, our heaviest emphasis is on the techniques that make those products sing, and you, the dental technician, whom is restorative dentistrys most valuable tool and dwindling resource.

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