There was a discussion about incorporation of technology into the removable lab from a forum I track.
My input:
Anything you incorporate into your business must fit the clients you seek and service. The demographic I seek and service is probably different than many, maybe not.
My clients dont use me because I own the latest technology, they call and use me because I consistently provide something better than others. When I provide a new service its not dependant on a new purchase but rather incorporation of a new technique. That way I eliminate 95% of the competition who would rather buy themselves a value, than develop one.
Anyone can spend the money, few have the discipline to spend the time to develop and refine something.
Its funny, in a world wrought with automation, where everything is so fast, people still wait 90 days to take delivery of handcrafted amish furniture even though they could go to Value City and have furniture tomorrow.
carry on
sorry folks, missed the e in morE